The maintenance of law and order is very important for the smooth functioning of the University especially for a conducive academic atmosphere in the Campus. This task has been assigned to the Proctorial Wing of the University which has following mandate for the accomplishment of the said purpose:
- Monitoring the disciplinary atmosphere among the students community;
- Taking preventive steps such as issuance of notices, warnings, instructions, regulating certain acts and other arrangements for the purpose of forestalling acts of individual and collective indiscipline;
- Maintain liaison with the State administration in matters regarding the law and order in the campus;
- Regulation and maintenance of vehicular traffic in the Campus and their parking at different gates of the Campus;
- Assisting state administration during the events like Eid Milaad-Un-Nabi (SAW), Mehraj-Ul-Aalam (SAW) and other activities in and around the campus and inter alia providing parking facilities and refreshment to the devotees during these events;
- Providing security for various examination centres during entrance/ admission tests to ensure free and fair conduct of examination.
- There is an anti-ragging Cell headed by Chief Proctor with other Proctors as members to curb the menace of ragging from the Campus. Besides, the Office has been running a Disaster Management Cell from last three years.
Dr.Imtiaz Ahmed Khan
Chief Proctor